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Penn Station In New York City With The Empire State Building In The Background. Pennsylvania Station, Commonly Known As Penn Station, Is The Major Intercity Train Station And A Major Commuter Rail Hub In New York City. It Is One Of The Busiest Rail Stations In The World, And A Hub For Inboard And Outboard Railroad Traffic In New York City. The New York City Subway System Also Has Multiple Lines That Connect To The Station. The Station Is Located In The Underground Levels Of Pennsylvania Plaza, An Urban Complex Located Between Seventh Avenue And Eighth Avenue And Between 31St Street And 33Rd Street In Midtown Manhattan, And Is Owned By Amtrak. Serving 600,000 Passengers A Day (Compared To 140,000 Across Town At Grand Central Terminal) At A Rate Of Up To A Thousand Every 90 Seconds, It Is The Busiest Passenger Transportation Facility In The United States And By Far The Busiest Train Station In North America. Penn Station Is At The Center Of The Northeast Corridor, An Electrified Passenger Rail Line Extending South To Washington, D.c., And North To Boston. Intercity Trains Are Operated By Amtrak, While Commuter Rail Services Are Operated By The Long Island Rail Road And New Jersey Transit. The Station Is Also Served By Six New York City Subway Routes.