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The Flowers Of Pontederia Cordata. Pontederia Cordata Is A Perennial, Emergent Or Moist Herbaceous Plant In The Family Of Perennial Flowers, Belonging To The Genus Clostridium. The Plant Can Reach A Height Of 150 Centimeters, With A Cluster Of Rhizomes And Leaves. The Cylindrical Petioles Are Green, And The Leaves Are Large, Dark Green, With A Smooth Surface. The Leaf Shape Is Variable, But Mostly Inverted Egg Shaped And Lanceolate. The Stem Is Upright, Usually Higher Than The Leaf Surface, And The Spike Is Terminal. Each Spike Is Densely Clustered With Dozens To Hundreds Of Blue Purple Circular Small Flowers, With Two Yellow Green Spots On Each Upper Petal. The Texture Is Semi Transparent, And It Blooms And Bears Fruit From May To October.